"Seeing is beli…

Image“Seeing is believing, but touching is making sure.” (Kenrick Sholto Sr.)

I heard my father say this during carnival time in Baltimore, MD a few years ago and everyone within earshot of us agreed instantly, even shaking his hand for a few minutes before going on their way. I’m a firm believer in this saying myself because faith alone doesn’t do it for me.

I Am

My name is Kenrick Sholto Jr. and I’m from the Fort Greene section of Brooklyn, New York, and have lived in a few states. I consider myself a very genuine, confident, talented, selective, and at times destructively unsure of myself when I need to go after what I want. It doesn’t help that I can’t shake the phony family members and associates no matter what I try. I never seem to enjoy the loyalty that I demonstrate to others and it frustrates me to no end. Why do I even exist? I question everything and those that I know that lean on GOD for their answers frown on me for being wary of what doesn’t add up to me. I’m very conflicted in terms of who and what I can trust, what I want or what I may or may not be worthy of, and I just feel that somehow I’m at a “now or never” point in my life. I’m NOT done yet, and as unsure as I can be at times I’m a Taurus and just as stubborn when I need to be. Maybe if I’m motivated enough to write down as many of my thoughts as possible I may be able to convert these collections of thoughts into book form. I guess we’ll see in due time.Image